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Anna Williams

Happy Holidays and Year in Review

Holiday Card, Christmas tree
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It’s time for our Year in Review! Check out our list of posts from 2018 and tell us your favourites in the comments.

Have you ever thought of writing an article for the Editors’ Weekly? We’re looking for articles on the following topics:

  • How you got started as an editor
  • Events you’ve attended, such as conferences and workshops
  • Ways you’ve been inspired by other writers or editors
  • How Editors Canada has helped your career

Send us an email if any of these resonate. Or tell us if you have a different idea for a blog post.

As we get ready to enter the new year, we’d like to thank everyone who contributed to the blog or read the blog in 2018. A special thank you goes to Erin Bankes, who proofreads posts, formats them in WordPress, chooses images and writes the social media announcements.

The Editors’ Weekly will be back on Jan. 8, 2018.

Happy Holidays!


2018 Year in Review:

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About the author

Anna Williams

Anna Williams is a freelance technical editor, writer and consultant in Edmonton, Alberta. She was the managing editor of the Editors’ Weekly from 2013 to 2020.


8 Comments on “Happy Holidays and Year in Review”

  • Gael Spivak


    Wow, a lot of great posts this past year. Well done, Anna and Erin!

    I really like James Harbeck’s post on verbing. This comes up all the time in conversations with editors and non-editors, so it’s always great to have such resources handy.

    • Thanks, Gael! Yes, verbing is often a hot topic. 🙂

  • Anita Jenkins


    Best of the season to you, blog manager Anna Williams. You do a terrific job. For me, this blog is one of Editors Canada’s most valuable pursuits (along with the mentorship program).

    • Thanks so much, Anita! And best of the season to you, too!

  • Kathe Lieber


    Karen’s Verbal Boobery had me laughing helplessly. I wish she were still with us.

    Happy/merry Christmas/solstice/Festivus, whatever, to everyone. I wish you-all love and laughter and interesting work in the new year.

    • Thanks, Kathe!

  • Merry Christmas, Anna. It has been a stellar year for Editors Weekly. Thanks for all your thoughtful, encouraging, open-minded leadership. And for the truly fine editing!

    I look forward to seeing what you and your colleagues have in store for us over the coming year.

    • Thank you, Virginia! And Merry Christmas to you, too!

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