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General EAC Laura Bontje

Letter from the Editor: Write for The Editors’ Weekly

Illustration of a sailboat passing by a cheerful landscape of rolling hills and mountains. There are two houses nestled in the hills and a hot air balloon flying overhead.

Happy summer, readers!

Illustration of a sailboat passing by a cheerful landscape of rolling hills and mountains. There are two houses nestled in the hills and a hot air balloon flying overhead.
Copyright: sentavio

The Editors’ Weekly is taking a break for the rest of August. It’s time to enjoy the last weeks of summer — and of summer reading! Have you read any great books lately? This summer, I set myself a goal of reading only Canadian literature, and it’s been fantastic! (Need a good book? Check out my #CanLitSummer recommendations.)

We’ll be back with new Editors’ Weekly content in September — and your name could be on the byline!

Write for The Editors’ Weekly

Do you have insights to share about editing? Whether you’re a brand new editor or a seasoned professional, your reflections could help others in the industry.

Posts for The Editors’ Weekly should be related to the work of editors, but that can take many forms. Here are some examples of topics that have been covered this year:

Pitch your idea

We have spaces available throughout the 2023–24 editorial calendar. If you’re interested in writing a post (in English or French) for The Editors’ Weekly, you can email me directly at or submit an idea through the blog’s contact form.


Previous post from Laura Bontje: Preparing for Traditional Publishing: Tips from Agents and Editors
The Editors’ Weekly is the official blog of Editors Canada. Contact us.

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About the author

Laura Bontje

Laura Bontje is a freelance editor in London, Ontario. She specializes in fiction editing, with a particular focus on children’s literature. Laura is the author of the palindrome-packed picture book Was It a Cat I Saw? (Amicus Ink, 2024), the cicada-inspired story When the Air Sang (Annick Press, 2025), and more to come.


4 Comments on “Letter from the Editor: Write for The Editors’ Weekly

  • Anita Jenkins


    Have a good break!

    In my view, the part that is missing from my beloved Editors’ Weekly is information for potential clients and the public in general about what editors do, how they do it and why everyone needs an editor. This blog is public, after all. Anyone can read it, but will they want to.

    The alternative would be to make it a members-only site, which is what it seems to be lately. I don’t recommend this. It can be a good PR tool, if used in that way.

    • Hi Anita,

      Thanks for your feedback! The target audience for The Editors’ Weekly is the editing community, but there can absolutely be overlap between the information that’s beneficial for editors and the information that’s beneficial for clients. (I’ve shared certain Editors’ Weekly posts with my own clients on numerous occasions, letting them know that although the advice is directed at editors, many of the same principles can apply for their own self-revisions.)

      We don’t have any plans to make The Editors’ Weekly a members-only site at this time; like many blogs and online resources, our content is written with a specific audience in mind but posted publicly for anyone who may be interested.

      I appreciate your suggestions for future content; it’s great to know what people are interested in seeing more of. If you have ideas for a post of your own about an aspect of what editors do, tips for completing certain editing processes, or helping others understand why everyone needs an editor, please feel free to submit a pitch any time!

      We’re actively building out this year’s editorial calendar with posts supporting The Editors’ Weekly’s mandate to foster “discussions about editing, language, meaning and context in today’s world.”

      • Anita Jenkins


        Thanks, Laura, for the detailed reply. I know I am the annoying retired member who always has something to say. But somebody has to do it, LOL. I love the blog – my absolutely favorite thing that Editors Canada does.

        • I’m so glad you enjoy it! We’re lucky to have so many wonderful contributors to share new posts week after week.

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