Filed under: Karen Virag GETTABLE GRAMMAR: Grammar class wars Tuesday December 18, 2012 Gettable Grammar is a monthly series of conjectures, opinions and postulates by Karen Virag. GRAMMAR CLASS WARS Grammar. If it’s not your gramper’s wife, what the heck is it? Well, grammar is the field of linguistics that covers the conventions of a language; it involves morphology and syntax, phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics. Still scratching […] Read more Tagged TaggedAlberta at NoonCBC RadiodescriptivismeditinggrammarGrammar Galsperscriptivism
Filed under: Wilf Popoff WASTED WORDS: The editor as analyst Saturday November 24, 2012 Wasted Words is a series of musings on language and usage by editor emeritus Wilf Popoff. I find it hard to edit without playing amateur psychologist. Why did the writer do this? Carelessness? Ignorance? Of course it can be either. Compared to editors writers are not as alert, which is why they need us. But […] Read more Tagged Taggededitingtautaulogiestautologyusageverbosity