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Anna Williams

Happy Holidays and Year in Review

Photo by Mira Bozhko on Unsplash

Dear Readers,

We’ve had some fantastic content on the blog this year, from Marianne Grier’s description of her reintroduction to Canadian English to Marion Soublière’s report after attending an editing conference in Scotland. We enjoyed Brendan O’Brien’s inaugural post about being a reluctant editor and were fascinated to learn about Dracula puzzles from Sara Goodchild. We’ve featured a variety of French-language posts and introduced several new authors.

We hope you’ll share with us some of your top picks of the year. And, as always, please let us know if there’s something you’d like to see featured or something you’d like to write yourself.

The Editors’ Weekly will be on hiatus until Jan. 9. Happy Holidays!


Have a look back at 2017 and tell us your top picks in the comments section:

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About the author

Anna Williams

Anna Williams is a freelance technical editor, writer and consultant in Edmonton, Alberta. She was the managing editor of the Editors’ Weekly from 2013 to 2020.


3 Comments on “Happy Holidays and Year in Review”

  • Paul Buckingham


    Thanks for inviting us to select our top picks! Hard to choose from so many great pieces, but I’d like to single out Brendan O’Brien’s “The Reluctant Editor” and James Harbeck’s “Currying Favour With Your Readers”.

  • Anita Jenkins


    Anything by Frances Peck, Rosemary Shipton, Wilf Popoff, Virginia Durksen. Very smart people all, and often hilarious to boot.

  • Rosemary Shipton


    I enjoy the variety of posts – a new surprise every week.

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